Sunday, August 26, 2007

Day 25, August 26th 2007 (Willard Bay,UT to Snowville,UT)

It was great to have all of the wonderful accomodations that the campsite offered me today. I was able to wake up to a shower and a gorgeous morning. I enjoyed a good 15 mile bike ride north until I was able to find a church service that I could attend at 10:30. It was the first time I was able to attend a service so far on the trip and I wouldn't have traded the experience for anything in the world. It was the St. Michael's Episcopal Church in Brigham City and I couldn't thank them enough for how they helped me. I was able to welcome myself to the congregation before the service and it was a truly incredible service where everyone was able to be themselves it seemed. I was able to enjoy some food and refreshments following the service and if that wasn't enough they had an internet connection that they insisted I used before I headed on my way. I spent a good portion of the aftd made sure to leave the blog address at the church so they could continue to follow me on my journey. I also left with a great gift from the pastor of the church and couldn't wait to enjoy a good meal that he had opened a window for me to enjoy. I left the church around 3 and knew that my rear tire needed to be changed. The air had practically all released just from sitting. I first headed to a grocery store to get some lunch, thanks to the church I was able to get a nice sized sandwhich. I ate half and saved the other half for the road. I was headed to a gas station so that I wouldn't have to use the air from my CO2 cartridges. I found a gas station but they didn't have an air compressor. It was the only station before I headed out of town so I was kind of bummed. As luck would have it there was another guy who happened to be in the station at the same time who was a cycler and he had a pump in his car. It was very convenient and in no time I was out on the road again. I had a good hike in front of me and it was already about 5. The first thirty miles were desert with nothing. I think a saw a couple of farm houses off to the side of the road and one pretty cool building, but that was it. The building was a NASA building and was closed since it was sunday. It had all sorts of cool displays in the front that I was able to tour through and it was pretty cool to look at. Once I made it out of the desert I had planned to use the interstate for a good 20 miles. It was getting darker outside and I was afraid I might be on the interstate when it was dark. It turns out that when I was 5 miles out of the town I intended to stay in the sun had gone completely down and I was relying on my light to see in front of me. I didn't have to worry about cars because there was a nice big path for me, but as I came closer to my destination there was a lot more trash on the side of the road and it was downhill. Going fairly fast the light doesn't do to well, and so I was about a half mile outside of town and my rear tube popped. I decided it was a good time of the night to go for a walk on the interstate so I hopped off of my bike and walked in the remainder of the way. I changed the tube when I made it to the gas station in town and hoped that would be all the flat tires I would run into for the remainder of my days on the interstate. There was a park 3 blocks from the station so I headed there to set up tent and enjoyed the remainder of the evening.
Daily mileage: 73.4 miles
Total mileage: 1289.9 miles


Jim said...

Hey Kyle, Thanks for calling Friday night - it was good to talk with you and hear about your progress. Thanks also for posting all these great pictures - they are really fun to view. I especially enjoyed reading about the Episcople church that took you in.

Yesterday was Uncle Leroy's funeral, and we think everyone there felt the same love and appreciation for him that we did, and though no doubt all will miss him, the funeral was far more celebratory than sad. He wrote an autobiography that you will be interested to read when you return.

Many people asked about you at the funeral, and your mom and I enjoyed giving people the latest update. Ride safely - especially watch out for those big trucks coming up behind you Kyle.

linanunez said...

hey babe, i hope you're having a fabulous time up to now...

and i hope you're having and continue to have a fabulous day today considering it is your BIRTHDAY:)

happy happy birthday kyle, i hope it's beyond words.

one love!

Lyle and Marilyn said...

It is fun to keep up with you on your travels and view the beautiful scenery. We’re happy that you have met so many nice people and are having a successful journey. Looks like it is a long way to the coast, but hope the view along the way makes it seem short!
Grandpa says “watch your compass and hope you don’t have any more flat tires!”
We will sing “Happy Birthday” to you today so turn up your hearing aid!
Hope you have a GREAT day!
Love, Grandpa and Grandma

William C. McCalley said...

keeping up with you thru your blog. sounds like you are having a great trip! We are praying for your safety. Have fun and be careful!
Bill and Amy

tljones7 said...

KY! You are such an adventurist! Even though I know that's not a word it still describes you well. I am not surprised you are meeting such giving, nice, and outgoing people just like yourself. You attract quality people like flies on stink! Happy belated birthday and keep peddlin'!