Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Day 12, August 13th 2007 (Golden,CO)

I took a cruise through Denver this afternoon. There was only one road to take from where I was at in Golden,CO and it was straight through downtown Denver to Aurora, where Jordan lives. I headed east and stopped at a college in downtown Denver. I was planning to update this blog, but they wouldn't allow it. I first walked in and noticed about 20 computers not being used so I walked up to one and tried to use it. The computer said that I needed a name and password, so I walked to the front desk. I told the guy what I was doing and asked if I could use one of the computers. He said that without a Colorado license or Colorado University ID there was no way I could use a computer unless if I went to the Denver Public Library 2 miles east. I was a little surprised I couldn't use a computer, but it was alright I guessed I could use one at the library. I showed up to the library and it said that I could sign up for a two hour or a 20 minute session. I chose the two hour, it said that I could wait 3 hours to use the 2 hour computer. I couldn't believe it, I chose the 20 minutes and then I was out in Denver again. I saw quite a few cool things going through downtown and ran into a guy who was loaded up with all sorts of bags on his bike. He said he was from Denmark and started on the east coast after he had been flown into the United States. He was going to ride to the west coast and then from there head south to Mexico and that is where he would end his ride. Although his story was interesting he ran into a couple of people that were going on trips that were even crazier. He ran into one guy who was running around the world. He had two support vehicles behind him and from where he started in Germany he went east through Europe and then Middle Asia and to the east coast and then flew to the west coast of the U.S. and started heading east again. After talking with this guy for about 10 minutes we eventually started riding again and I headed towards Jordan's house. I showed up and he was actually at his girlfriend's house which is on the western part of Denver while I was now on the eastern part of Denver. He called his roommate who was at the house and told him who I was so he knew who I was when I showed up at his door. I was living in luxury again with a big bed to sleep on, a nice shower in the morning, and a big backyard with a good view of the mountains. Jordan's roommate showed me where everything was and he had the two coolest dogs one of their names' was Adrian and the other was Moe. I went to bed early and woke up late.....it was nice.
Daily mileage: 23.3 miles
Total mileage: 836.2

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