Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 54, September 24th 2007 (San Francisco,CA to San Francisco,CA)

One relaxing day after another, I'm not sure if I'm ever going to be able to get back on my bike. I've been treated so well from my cousin that I could stay here forever. My time to leave is going to be tomorrow though and it has been a great stop in the San Francisco area. I've spent the past few days soaking in an incredible stay of this adventure and have prepared myself for the journey east. Samona had prepared another great breakfast for me as I woke up. Eggs and toast with some tomatoes on the side. Each meal was prepared with such craftsmanship and I looked forward to every meal that we ate. I knew that when I left tomorrow I was truly going to miss the cooking that I had received here. I spent the afternoon and the majority of the day taking care of some things on the computer. It was nice to catch up on a few things and to prepare myself with a few last minute things for the road. Laundry was taken care of and I also spent some time doing a few last minute things to the bike. I wanted to make sure that I had everything taken care of before I hit the road. For lunch I was able to have some more of Samona's great soup and it tasted just as good the second time around. I felt horrible that I was spending most of the beautiful day inside, but I needed to take care of some things. The temperature was in the mid 70's and it was an incredibly gorgeous afternoon. By the time dinner had come around I was still in the process of finishing things up, but I was getting near the end. Dinner was one thing that was an experience in itself. Every dinner I had while I stayed here was the best dinner I had eaten in a long time. The dinner that was prepared tonight though, was one that could be up there with the best. I was shown an incredible way to prepare some baby back ribs and some great beans to go along with them. The baby back ribs were a technique from the sauce to the cooking of the ribs themselves. Each role was just as important as the other to make this meal incredible. Everything was cooked from one process to another and it ended up being the best ribs I had eaten in my life. I couldn't get my hands off of them as soon as they hit the table. From my plate to my mouth I consumed every last piece of meet and had a lot of the beans as well. I was floating by the time the plate was empty and I couldn't believe I had eaten all that I had. It was another great night where I would be going to bed on a full stomach. I was planning on heading to Santa Cruz tomorrow and although it would only be a 75 mile ride I wanted to have a good night sleep to start out in the best condition. My body was on cloud 9 at this point and was ready for what would be thrown at it in the upcoming days.
Daily mileage: 0.0 miles
Total mileage: 3,129.6 miles

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