Monday, September 24, 2007

Day 50, September 20th 2007 (Larkspur,CA to Larkspur,CA)

Two days in a row now where I was able to rest. I was treated to some delicious granola and an assortment of fruits for the beginning of the day. Mary had a friend that grew a variety of fruits and one of them was an orange. The oranges that we were eating were so much sweeter than I was used to and they tasted so much better, in my opinion. From spending the first few hours able to relax and finish the book I had started, The Great Divorce, by C.S. Lewis, I was really starting to enjoy my stay here more and more. After I had spent a few hours of the morning relaxing, Mary wanted to take me in town to San Francisco. It wasn't very far into the city from where we were and it was nice to be given a little tour into the city while I was here. We went across the Golden Gate Bridge and into a popular strip called Union Street. It was full of a lot of little shops and we were able to go into one of the great delis on the street for lunch. The deli had great sandwiches and excellent desserts. It was very nice to be taken around as I was and I couldn't thank Mary enough for taking some time out of her afternoon to treat me to the city. There were so many incredible houses throughout the city and each one was very unique. From the gardens in the front of the house to the colors of the houses, everything was different. It was something that was very cool to see and explore. We headed back into Larkspur after viewing some incredible real estate and it was unbelievable how the weather changed over such short distances. From one area to another you could escape the fog or be at a completely different elevation in the area. We went back over the bridge and out of the great city of San Francisco. I had contacted my cousin in San Francisco, Charles Chongo, just a couple of days earlier and was looking forward to seeing him. I was planning on leaving tomorrow in the afternoon and I knew that it was going to be hard to leave Larkspur. Not only was it going to be difficult to leave the Clydes, who had treated me so well, but it was also going to be difficult to find the best route into the downtown area. I spent some time when I returned to the house to look up an appropriate route for a cyclist. I planned a route and was ready for what lay ahead. I was able to spend more time with the Clyde family after I used the computer for a short while and it was depressing that this was going to be my last night with them. I felt like I had just arrived and was taking off, but at the same time this was a journey that needed to continue. After a feast for a meal I was able to crawl back to the same bed I had slept in the previous two days and only had a couple of things to do the following day. The new 10 speed cassette had been shipped in earlier in the day and so I was looking forward to going to the bike shop and having my bike in pristine condition before going east. I went to bed and was preparing myself for a short ride to the city.
Daily mileage: 0.0 miles
Total mileage: 3,096.2 miles

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