Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Day 37, September 7th 2007 (Corvallis, OR to Corvallis, OR)

I was set out to head to Portland today. First, I wanted to stop by the campus of Oregon State University to see what they had to offer. The campus was amazing, with everything I wanted to see and more. I went to see what the program was like for what I was looking to go to school for and found out that they had a great program. After all of my questions were answered and I'd seen everything that I wanted to see, it was around 4 pm. I didn't think I was going to be able to make it to Portland anymore. I tried calling Jim to see if it was okay to stay another night. Although he didn't pick up the call I sensed it would be alright because we had mentioned the idea of a layover the night before. I didn't plan on this happening, but it had and here I was in Corvallis for another night. I had been told about a swimming pool on campus and was ready for another opportunity to swim some laps. I headed towards the pool and didn't have much of a problem finding it. For a small charge they allowed me to enter and it was worth every penny. I was able to swim a 1500 meter and then follow that with their hot tub afterwards. The hot tub had jets on it that made it nearly impossible to want to leave, so I stayed. Eventually I forced myself out and off campus, back to Jim and Heather's house. Jim was home when I showed up and although it was a shock to see me he openly welcomed me to shack their for another night. I was back and began to make myself more comfortable for no more than 15 minutes, when Heather came home. It was her last day of classes and the beginning of new things. She had a job lined up to work at in a few days and it was obvious that this was an exciting time in the household. She and Jim were both officially engineers at this point and it was cool to be there to share their joy. We went out to eat at a vegetarian's paradise. The restaraunt was Nearly Normals and it was incredible. The restaraunt was in what used to be someone's house and had been turned into a seated restaraunt with a cool deck and a seating area in the back. The lighting and the envirionment made for a nice place to relax and enjoy the conversation and good times ahead. With tall overhanging trees that made for a good shade and great food to eat while enjoying the outdoors. This place made for an excellent place to end my last night in Corvallis. We went back to the house after being stuffed and it was great to be able to wind down and sleep in the same great bed for two nights in a row.
Daily mileage: 14.8 miles
Total mileage: 2125.1 miles

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