Thursday, September 20, 2007

Day 43, September 13th 2007 (Jessie Honeyman, OR to Humbug Mountain, OR)

The morning was just about the same as the last couple of days. Cold, foggy, and now there was a slight mist in the air. When I was waking up everyone else was starting to pack up and a few were sitting down for breakfast. I joined the few that had been eating breakfast and knew that this was the last time we would see each other. They were all headed to the next hiker/biker site which was 50 miles south. I wanted to join them, but I knew there was another site 100 miles away and that was the kind of ride I was looking for. As I started to ride the mist dissapeared and it was only cold and cloudy. The ride was perfect, but a little depressing, because it had now been a few days without seeing the sun shine. The ride started out mostly flat, but after the first 50 miles it started to get fairly intense. It went to a practically straight uphill climb and then had a lot of rolling hills at the top. I was off of highway 101 at this point for about some 30 miles and it was nice to get away from all of the traffic. I wasn't able to see much of the ocean on the path I was on, but it was a scenic ride through a lot forest areas and it was a good change of pace. At the end of the climbs came the relaxing portion of the ride. The downhill was plenty worth the battle I had gone through. It turned and took me through another beautiful forest and took me practically all the way to the next town. With only a few miles left I ran into a few cyclists from Germany. They were with an organization America by bicycle and had started in Seattle and were headed towards Los Angeles. They told me they considered themselves credit card cyclists because they would stay in hotels along their entire trip. There were about 20 riders involved in their group ride and they had a couple of support vehicles to carry all of their luggage. Once in the town they were done for the day and I still had another 30 miles ahead of me. In the town there were some great rock formations to see beside the ocean and I could see why they had decided to stay in this town. In the town there was one rock formationin particular call "Face Rock," and it was enormous. It was just at the brink of the ocean with a lot of other rocks, but with it's size it stuck out from all of the rest. I stayed for a while to enjoy the area, but was on my way again shortly after to finish the day's ride. As I went over my first big climb out of town I started to warm up a little. For the first time in a few days the sun had started to show itself again. I was able to get a couple of good looks at the ocean while the sun had shown itself, but after putting in about 15 miles the clouds quickly came back. I was thankful for the good sun that I had for only a short period of time. It was nice to finally see some blue skies. I hit the last big town on the road before the campsite and went in to grab a few things. I went to the grocery store and was able to find some good fruit and granola to make for a good breakfast in the morning. I left the store and was given a few excellent shots of the ocean before I ducked back into the trees towards my campsite. For another spectacular price of 4 measly dollars I shared a hike/bike camp with 8 other cyclists for the evening. The shower was incredibly warm and was great to hop in after the ride. I arrived at the site around 7. So after setting up camp and showering it was around 8 and I was too exhausted to spend much of the evening chatting with the other cyclists. I was able to spend a little time talking with one cyclist who was from Reno, NV. He had flown into Canada to start his ride in Vancouver and was heading down along the coast to San Diego. It sounded like he was on quite the journey. After spending the little remaining energy I had talking with him he went to join a few people next to us who had started a fire. It looked like it would have been nice to sit around and chat, but my day was done. I crept into my tent and dozed off in only a few moments.
Daily mileage: 108.6 miles
Average Speed: 12.7 mph
Total mileage: 2,623.6 miles

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